Frequently Asked Questions About Senior Truth Series Seminars
How long is each seminar?
Seminars typically last an hour, although some topics extend beyond this estimate. This duration also includes a Q&A session. Seminars begin at 10 a.m. and end by 11:30 a.m.
Do seminars offer a questions and answers session?
Yes, every seminar features a question-and-answer session. We request that attendees wait until the end of the event to ask questions related to personal matters, concerns, or interests (i.e., topics or subjects that do not apply to all attendees).
Are only seniors invited to attend the seminars?
Everyone is invited to attend the seminars, but the topics address the interests and concerns of adults 55+. Family members and caregivers are encouraged to attend.
I have questions about a seminar topic, but I cannot attend the seminar. Can you help me?
We encourage you to reach out to us with your questions. If we cannot answer your question, we will refer you to a trusted professional who can help. Email or call us with any questions or concerns.
How are these free events for seniors (and their guests) made possible?
Every professional who presents or speaks at our seminars volunteers their time and services. Senior Truth Series wants to ensure these events remain free for seniors who need them.
Is there going to be a sales pitch? Are these seminars selling a service?
No, our seminars are designed to inform and educate, not upsell you. A trusted professional leads every seminar. You decide if you wish to use seminar speakers' services or professional expertise. More information may be available, but again, you do not have to take any information that does not interest you.

Can I request a topic for the next seminar?
Absolutely! We are always receptive to new topics; we want every senior to gain as much insight as possible. Seminar topics are scheduled in advance, so do not be alarmed if your suggested topic is not addressed immediately.
Can I attend senior seminars for business development purposes?
We invite service providers and business owners who seek knowledge about serving senior homeowners. We waive attendance fees if a client accompanies you. However, business owners and other professionals who do not attend the seminar with a client will be charged an attendance fee of $40. We only accept cash and checks, and, as seating is limited, seniors and professionals attending with clients receive priority.
I'm interested in becoming an education partner. How do I partner with Senior Truth Series?
Applications for 2025 education partnerships are available from January to December. Call us at 913-269-3928 to receive an education partner packet.
What is the contact information for the Senior Truth Series?
Complete the registration form or register by phone at 913-335-0906